Thursday, March 25, 2010

Learning Programing Fast Track

I found this really cool stuff on net surfing for the web tutorials for learning programing at fast pace. If you are a starter the basic things you are going to need is to learn C, that's the basic and mother of all the language as far as we all believe. The logic in C applies everywhere. So knowing C is a great help for learning programing.

The things that you are going to need is:
  1. A computer ( I am sure you have it, you don't you can beg, buy or steal, ok don't steal until you can get by other methods)
  2. A text editor (from notepad to vim, you can use anything, here are few that you can try, those are neat enough, EditPlus, Notepad++, Vi/Vim (available for Windows too, there are video tutorial to learn vim), or another that you are comfortable with.
  3. An IDE, there are many, you don't need an IDE if you can get a compiler working for you. IDE makes your work easy. (i.e TurboC, Codeblocks, Microsoft Visual C++ and Komodo)
  4. Resources for learning programing (Books, web tutorial, videos etc...)
Ok!!! Here's something for people on fast track learning, I was looking for good programing Videos and I have found some. This web page gives access to I think very cool interesting videos,, for those who are into programing, I think this is one good place to learn. Lectures directly from finest universities. Personally, I am watching Mehran Sahami and Richard Buckland Videos and finding them very very interesting. Richard Buckland videos are not there on this link, but I guess you can find them, they are available just ask Google. And ya, how can I forget . They have some good collection of videos not only on computer science but on a vast variety of subjects.

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